
NXTSTAGE is a series of pilot competitions to help entrepreneurs grow their young companies by connecting them to prospective customers.

The competitions are open to startups around the world that have deployment-ready technologies able to add immediate value to businesses and communities.

Congratulations to the startups who were awarded paid pilots from the 2021 Community Health and Vibrancy Pilot Competition Presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas!

Here’s a rundown of the community partners and the startups they awarded projects to -

  • Hodgeman County Economic Development: Awarded a pilot to Televeda and is exploring future collaboration with Debtle, MiResource and TuitionFit

  • Hunter Health: Awarded a pilot to MMNT (formerly known as Diabetes Care), is working to finalize projects with Debtle and Kaizen Health, and is exploring potential collaboration with HealthOpx.

  • Thrive Allen County: Awarded a pilot to Advocatia and is working to finalize projects with LegUp and Televeda using current and future grant funding. Also exploring collaborations with HealthOpx, ITSimple and Kaizen Health.

  • Cowley County Economic Development Partnership: Exploring potential collaborations with CoTeacher, HealthOpx, ITSimple and Kilter.

  • Lincoln County Economic Development Foundation: Exploring potential collaborations with ITSimple, Kaizen Health, Kilter, LegUp and Televeda

  • Scott County Development Committee: Exploring potential collaborations with Debtle, ITSimple and Televeda

Watch the full Innovation Showcase!

This is the full length event recording that includes the startup finalists’ pitches and the announcements from the pilot partners. Thank you to everyone involved, especially our sponsors and partners who made this pilot competition possible!


Take a look at these impressive startups!

2021 NXTSTAGE CHV Finalists


Hear from participants on their experience

Enjoy this short montage highlighting comments and impressions from the startups, partners and other key stakeholders during the live event. Not only was it a fun party, but the relationships formed will last!

Community Innovation Sponsors

This program is made possible through the support of these organizations

Presenting Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor

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CHV sposnors website images (1).png