20 Growth-Minded Startups Complete First-Ever Program That Provides Access to Major Kansas Enterprises

In the fall of 2022, NXTUS launched the NXTSTAGE Enterprise Engagement Series to bridge the knowledge and access gaps between early-stage companies and established enterprises. The program aimed to drive innovation, accelerate startup growth, and promote supplier diversity in the region.

Twenty growth-minded Kansas startups and 11 Enterprise Partners collaborated successfully in year one, and momentum is strong for this U.S. Economic Development Administration-supported program going into 2023. 

The 20 cohort members selected represent NXTUS’ commitment to serving diverse entrepreneurs throughout the state of Kansas, with over 75% of the cohort coming from traditionally underserved populations (minority, female founders, rural, etc.). NXTUS will kick off the second annual Enterprise Engagement Series in the fall of 2023. 

To see a full detailed list of the 2022 cohort members, or to apply for the upcoming cohort, visit https://www.nxtus.io/enterpriseseries  


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