Conor Adler, Program Director NXTUS Accelerate Venture Partners
By: Brandon Paulseen
ICT Podcast
February 3, 2025
Photo Courtesy of Cory Keller.
"I thought, You are going to have to give up a lot of what your friends are doing if you want to do this." -Conor Adler on his commitment
Entrepreneurs are artists in their own way. They have to be creative and they have to think and look at things in ways others have not. Conor Adler has a very unique way of looking at things. He says himself that "you have to be intellectually curious to care about Founders."
Wichita is uniquely positioned with an enormous amount of Founders with talent. What NXTUS and Accelerated Venture Partners are doing is connecting the Angel investor money with the Founders. Founders learn to be capital efficient and that’s how they get so much out of the resources they have. Growing our community of entrepreneurs is the best economic growth plan for this community.
Conor is a songwriter which means you’ve gotta be good at telling a story. The story he is sharing is activating our Entrepreneurs & Founders with the capital so they can scale for success right here out of Wichita USA.